Structural / Possible / Fictional

A few notes on the shift from structural poetics and stylistics to the theory of fictional worlds in the perspective of Lubomír Doležel’s work


  • Marek Holan Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc


structural poetics, fictional worlds semantics, meaning, reference, Ferdinand de Saussure, functional oppositions, dynamic semantics


This article deals with the fictional worlds semantics (FWS) from the perspective of its relation to structural poetics and some branches of analytic philosophy, while these connections are explored via the general term meaning. Three questions are stated: 1.) how does the relation between structural notions and FWS perspective look like and what are possible dissimilarities; 2.) what is the role of analytic philosophy in this relation; 3.) how the meaning is constructed between the (fictional) text and the recipient? Some open problems in analysing the relation between structural concepts of meaning/reference re-construction and their adapting by FWS are thus inquired, especially in connection to thoughts presented by a prominent scholar in the field of FWS, Prof. Lubomír Doležel. Finally, a possible direction for grasping the meaning/reference problem in FWS from the perspective of dynamic semantics and game-theoretical semantics is proposed.


