Sign System Studies and Modern Socio-Anthropomorphism


  • Anton Vladimirovich Sukhoverkhov Kuban State Agrarian University, Department of Philosophy, Kuban State Agrarian University, 350044, Krasnodar


semiotics, reification, representation, conventional signs, socio-anthropomorphism, institutional facts


The article examines the individual and social, practical, and theoretical presumptions (“idols” and “beliefs”) that constitute the conscious and unconscious re-construction of the social reality and reality of different conventional sign systems that represent and are represented by society. It is shown that in everyday life and in theoretical studies, we quite often analyze sign systems as if they were autonomous and empirically “given” realities. The work explains how this “natural belief” originated and developed. It is argued that conventional sign systems cannot be reduced to the reality of material “sign vehicles” because in society, sign systems are both subjective and objective, internal and external, and process and object.


